If you have a health problem, then these days are a wealth of different health clinics to visit in order to get the help you need. Whether it is a podiatric clinic for foot care, a dermatologist for skin care or a pediatrician for specialist childcare, there is a clinic for everything. If you have just moved to a new area then it can be really difficult to decide on which clinics to use – especially if you don’t know anybody that can recommend ones to you. If you are in this boat, then we think the answer is to get online and use social media platforms such as Facebook to answer your questions. If you would like to know more, then read on for our helpful information:

Join the Community

Facebook is brilliant for building communities of people who all help each other out and give each other advice. If you don’t have a Facebook profile yet, then we strongly suggest that you get one – it is one of the best ways of making friends and finding services in your local area. It’s really easy to get involved with Facebook – all you need to do is register an account, choose a password and follow the instructions. If you are worried about privacy then there is an option to set your settings to the highest level of security, so don’t let that put you off. This means that only your ‘friends’ are able to access your photos, updates and personal information.

Join Local Forums

You will probably find that your local area already has a local Facebook group which somebody has started off. These can be great platforms for buying and selling things, discussing local interests and debating local politics. Join as many of these as you can, introducing yourself and letting people know that you are new to the area. When the time comes to start finding your health clinics, post a comment in all of these local groups stating what you are looking for, and also update your personal status on your page to let your friends know the same. It won’t be long before you are flooded with recommendations, and you will probably be told which ones to avoid too! This sort of local information is gold dust, and before the time of social media you just would never have had access to it.

Interact & Engage

To get the most out of any social media platform, it’s vital that you use it regularly, updating, commenting and interacting with other users. The more involved you get, the more information you will find and the more friends you will make as a result. You will find that even your local schools, colleges, doctors and dentists have their own Facebook page, so join as many of them as you can in order to get access to the most amount of information.

There is no doubt that social media platforms such as Facebook are going from strength to strength, so no matter what product or service you are looking for, the chances are that you will find the answers online.

Author Bio: Nancy Baker, the author of this article, is a freelance blogger, currently writing for, Walk’N Comfort, leaders in orthopaedics in Toronto. She takes keen interest in the medical field and enjoys blogging about the latest developments and therapies available. You can reach Nancy via Twitter @Nancy_Baker_.