Today there is stiff competition in the field of web hosting. In this scenario you can benefit from add on features which will help you to increase your web hosting revenue. A multitude of services and accessories are available which can help with both large and small business. You can make use of the powerful and advanced website tools to stay ahead in the stiff competition. You do not have to invest in expensive software in order to build strong ecommerce capabilities. You can form an online community easily by installing the add-on on your website. You can benefit from useful customer relationship management systems.

Add on features available for hosting

You can add several services to your web hosting account that already exists. You can opt for:

  • You can purchase add on disk space.
  • POP3 email accounts can be purchased easily.
  • Add-on data transfer can be purchased easily.
  • Customizing name server information is easy with virtual DNS. It is an ideal option for resellers.
  • A good web host will provide you with site building tools.
  • E-commerce tools can prove very beneficial as you work as an internet-based entrepreneur.

Increase revenue

While hosting your site, you can be on the lookout for add on features which boost your business.

  • With time and progress as you start building multiple sites, you will be in need of site building tools. While selecting hosting plan, you should select a web host who provides these tools for free.
  • You can make use of the highly specialized SEO services that can help you to conduct your business easily.
  • Among add-on features that are available multiple email accounts with spam filters is very important.
  • You can make use of shopping carts in order to carry out e-commerce successfully.

Useful add on

In order to increase revenues, you have to make use of add on features that are available for web hosting. You can enhance your hosting experience by making use of the add-ons. You can make use of cPanel add-ons for your dedicated server. A new credit card processor for your online store could be a great choice. Certain virtual phone systems are available for small business and entrepreneurs. In some cases you will be able to receive calls directly from your website. Some services allow you to maintain backups for your hosting account.

Importance of SSL certificates

With SSL certificates, you will be able to secure transactions with encryptions. It is a secure layer where sensitive transactions are encrypted. They allow secure connections between the browser and the web server. Once a secured connection is established web traffic between the server and the browser is secured. The SSL certificates are very essential and have become a prerequisite for e-commerce and transmissions which are secured. You can obtain secure server ssl certificates from your web host and secure credit card transactions, as well. SSL certificates bind the domain name, host name and server name.

You can opt for software as services e-commerce solutions. You can choose them as your e-commerce partner and increase your own revenue. A good web host will provide adequate disk space, bandwidth and excellent customer support. But apart from these features the additional web hosting accessories can prove very beneficial. As you set the  availability of the hosting add on to the customers ensure that it works perfectly for your site. As you build new sites to promote different aspects of the business, you can make use of the web host tools and enhance performance of your sites.

Author Bio: Jack works in an organization that has installed secure server ssl certificates to ensure that transactions are encrypted. This is an effective step which they took to secure credit card transactions.