Social Media has changed the life significantly in last one decade. After the Mark Zuckerberg’s invention of Facebook, the meaning of socialism has changed drastically in the dictionaries. Now being social doesn’t only mean a person who meets with several persons daily but also a person who spends too much time on social networking websites. The power of social media is indisputable and it can also be used for educational purpose. In the following lines we are going to discuss how the social media can be used in education.

Sharing Images and Notes

With the help of social media you can share the important images, videos, books, documents and notes with each other. I remember the days when I was a student. There was no such concept and sharing notes had a meaning of photocopying it. But now you can share all the study material with just a single click of your mouse. Thanks to Social Media for all of this.

Informational Purpose
Just five years ago, universities had to make phone calls to the students if there is any change in the timetable. Now they don’t do this. Almost all the universities have been maintaining their own social networking websites where all the students are registered. They just need to update their status on the website to communicate the news to the students. This is much cheaper, faster and easiest way to communicate.

Educational Purpose
You can also promote the ideas for general welfare of the people on social media for the educational purpose. For example, you can share the ways to prevent some diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis. In this way social media can be used for the general educational purpose.
Using social networks you can find any information for your essay or research paper very fast and effectively. It’s like one big research paper writing service where everybody can help.
To share what you have with somebody who really needs this is the best affair because one day you’ll need something and your friends on Facebook will help you as you did it.

Problem Shooting Forums
If a problem is discussed and shared among all the class fellows, there are better chances of being resolved. Through social media, you can post a problem and many of your friends would post their comments about it. In this way you would be able to get better answer.
If somebody doesn’t understand the material, all his/her friends can help him with the examples, advices, tutoring and so on. Using social media for this purpose, you can study and do other things at the same time. You don’t waste hours for moving and coming back.

Adding Social Tools to E-Text Books
E-book is not a new concept and it has been applied from several years from university level to school level. However, if a social tool is added along with every topic, it would make it easy for the students to share the information and problems in a better way. Social media has so much potential and we should use it for educational purpose.

Author’s bio:
My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the web- We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers in a short time; we’ll answer all your questions and give you useful advices.